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Your guide through the scripture readings of Daily Mass from Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. John Bergsma, and our other theologians from the St. Paul Center. Insight on memorials and feasts of our God's saints and personal insight from sacred scripture.

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Dec 23, 2019

Sirach 3:2–6, 12–14
Psalm 128:1–5
Colossians 3:12–21
Matthew 2:13–15, 19–23

Underlying the wisdom offered in today’s Liturgy is the mystery of the family in God’s divine plan.

The Lord has set father in honor over his children and mother in authority over her sons, we hear in today’s First Reading. As...

Dec 23, 2019

Sirácide 3,2-6.12-14
Salmo 128,1-2.3.4-5
Colosenses 3,12-21
Mateo 2,13-15, 19-23

El misterio de la familia en el plan de Dios subyace en la sabiduría que se ofrece en la liturgia de hoy.

En la primera lectura de hoy escuchamos que Dios ha puesto al padre en el lugar de honor frente a sus hijos y afirma la...