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Your guide through the scripture readings of Daily Mass from Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. John Bergsma, and our other theologians from the St. Paul Center. Insight on memorials and feasts of our God's saints and personal insight from sacred scripture.

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Jul 21, 2014

1 Kings 3:5,7-12     

Psalm 119:57,72,76-77,127-130 

Romans 8:28-30      

Matthew 13:44-52 

What is your new life in Christ worth to you? 

Do you love His words more than gold and silver, as we sing in today’s Psalm? Would you, like the characters in the Gospel today, sell all that you have in order to possess the...

Jul 14, 2014


Wisdom 12:13,16-19
Psalm 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16
Romans 8:26-27
Matthew 13:24-43 

God is always teaching His people, we hear in today’s First Reading. 

And what does He want us to know? That He has care for all of us, that though He is a God of justice, even those who defy and disbelieve Him may hope for His...

Jul 7, 2014


Isaiah 55:10-11

Psalm 65:10-14

Romans 8:18-23      

Matthew 13:1-23 

Today’s readings, like last week’s, ask us to meditate on Israel’s response to God’s Word—and our own. Why do some hear the word of the kingdom, yet fail to accept it as a call to conversion and faith in Jesus? That question...