Sep 29, 2014
Isaiah 5:1-7
Psalm 80:9,
12-16, 19-20
Matthew 21:33-43
In today's Gospel Jesus returns to the Old Testament symbol of the
vineyard to teach about Israel, the Church, and the kingdom of
And the symbolism of today's First Reading and Psalm is readily
God is the owner and the house of...
Sep 15, 2014
Isaiah 55:6-9
Psalm145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18
Philippians 1:20-24, 27
Matthew 20:1-16
The house of Israel is the vine of God - who planted and watered
it, preparing the Israelites to bear fruits of righteousness (see
Isaiah 5:7;
Israel failed to yield good fruits and the Lord allowed His
Sep 4, 2014
Signs of the Covenant: Transforming Lives and Renewing Relationships features six lectures by St. Paul Center President, Dr. Scott Hahn, and his wife Kimberly on the connections between the Church’s sacraments and the relationships we live everyday. Each hour-long talk helps unpack the necessity of God’s grace...