Sep 22, 2014
Ezekiel 18:25-28
Psalm 25:4-9
Philippians 2:1-11
Matthew 21:28-32
Echoing the complaint heard in last week's readings, today's First
Reading again presents protests that God isn't fair. Why does He
punish with death one who begins in virtue but falls into iniquity,
while granting life to the wicked one who turns from sin?
This is the question that Jesus takes up in the parable in today's
The first son represents the most heinous sinners of Jesus' day -
tax collectors and prostitutes - who by their sin at first refuse
to serve in the Lord's vineyard, the kingdom. At the preaching of
John the Baptist, they repented and did what is right and just. The
second son represents Israel's leaders - who said they would serve
God in the vineyard, but refused to believe John when he told them
they must produce good fruits as evidence of their repentance (see
Matthew 3:8).
Once again, this week's readings invite us to ponder the
unfathomable ways of God's justice and mercy. He teaches His ways
only to the humble, as we sing in today's Psalm. And in the Epistle
today, Paul presents Jesus as the model of that humility by which
we come to know life's true path.
Paul sings a beautiful hymn to the Incarnation. Unlike Adam, the
first man, who in his pride grasped at being God, the New Adam,
Jesus, humbled himself to become a slave, obedient even unto death
on the cross (see
Romans 5:14). In this He has shown sinners - each one of
us - the way back to the Father. We can only come to God, to serve
in His vineyard, the Church, by having that same attitude as
This is what Israel's leaders lacked. In their vainglory, they
presumed their superiority - that they had no further need to hear
God's Word or God's servants.
But this is the way to death, as God tells Ezekiel today. We are
always to be emptying ourselves, seeking forgiveness for our sins
and frailties, confessing on bended knee that He is Lord, to the
glory of the Father.