Nov 25, 2013
Isaiah 2:1-5
Psalm 122:1-9
Romans 13:11-14
Matthew 24:37-44 (see also "The
Gospel of Fulfillment")
Jesus exaggerates in today's Gospel when He claims not to know the
day or the hour when He will come again.
He occasionally makes such overstatements to drive home a point we
might otherwise miss (see
Matthew 5:34;
Luke 14:26).
His point here is that the exact "hour" is not important. What is
crucial is that we not postpone our repentance, that we be ready
for Him - spiritually and morally - when He comes. For He will
surely come, He tells us - like a thief in the night, like the
flood in the time of Noah.
In today's Epistle, Paul too compares the present age to a time of
advancing darkness and night.
Though we sit in the darkness, overshadowed by death, we have seen
arise the great light of our Lord who has come into our midst (see
Matthew 4:16; John 1:9; 8:12). He is the true light, the life of
the world. And His light continues to shine in His Church, the new
Jerusalem promised by Isaiah in today's First Reading.
In the Church, all nations stream to the God of Jacob, to worship
and seek wisdom in the House of David. From the Church goes forth
His word of instruction, the light of the Lord - that all might
walk in His paths toward that eternal day when night will be no
more (see
Revelation 22:5).
By our Baptism we have been made children of the light and day (see
Ephesians 5:8;
1 Thessalonians 5:5-7). It
is time we start living like it - throwing off the fruitless works
of darkness, the desires of the flesh, and walking by the light of
His grace.
The hour is late as we begin a new Advent. Let us begin again in
this Eucharist.
As we sing in today's Psalm, let us go rejoicing to the House of
the Lord. Let us give thanks to His name, keeping watch for His
coming, knowing that our salvation is nearer now than when we first