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Your guide through the scripture readings of Daily Mass from Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. John Bergsma, and our other theologians from the St. Paul Center. Insight on memorials and feasts of our God's saints and personal insight from sacred scripture.

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Frutos de la higuera: Scott Hahn reflexiona sobre el 3º Domingo de Cuaresma

Mar 19, 2022

Éxodo 3,1–8.13–15
Salmo 103,1–4.6-8.11
1 Corintios 10,1–6.10–12
Lucas 13,1-9

En la Iglesia somos hechos hijos del Dios de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob; del mismo Dios que da a conocer a Moisés su nombre y sus caminos, en la primera lectura de hoy.

Recordando el pacto que había hecho con Abraham (cfr. Ex...

No Reflection Today

Feb 8, 2022

We apologize for not having a reflection for today, Tuesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time. Please join us tomorrow for Dr. John Bergsma's reflection.

No Reflection Today

Jan 11, 2022

We apologize for not having a reflection for today, Tuesday the First Week in Ordinary Time. Please join us tomorrow for Dr. John Bergsma's reflection.

No Reflection Today

Dec 7, 2021

We apologize for not having a reflection for today, Tuesday the Second week of Advent. Please join us tomorrow for Dr. John Bergsma's reflection. 

No Reflection Today

Nov 16, 2021

We apologize for not having a reflection for today, Tuesday the Thirty-third week of Ordinary Time. Please join us tomorrow for Dr. John Bergsma's reflection.