Mar 19, 2022
Éxodo 3,1–8.13–15
Salmo 103,1–4.6-8.11
1 Corintios 10,1–6.10–12
Lucas 13,1-9
En la Iglesia somos hechos hijos del Dios de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob; del mismo Dios que da a conocer a Moisés su nombre y sus caminos, en la primera lectura de hoy.
Recordando el pacto que había hecho con Abraham (cfr. Ex...
Feb 8, 2022
We apologize for not having a reflection for today, Tuesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time. Please join us tomorrow for Dr. John Bergsma's reflection.
Jan 11, 2022
We apologize for not having a reflection for today, Tuesday the First Week in Ordinary Time. Please join us tomorrow for Dr. John Bergsma's reflection.
Dec 7, 2021
We apologize for not having a reflection for today, Tuesday the Second week of Advent. Please join us tomorrow for Dr. John Bergsma's reflection.
Nov 16, 2021
We apologize for not having a reflection for today, Tuesday the Thirty-third week of Ordinary Time. Please join us tomorrow for Dr. John Bergsma's reflection.